David Babka 

Občan babka
(citizen babka)

When I get angry about something, I write emails to people who are responsible for that. I have written to the director of a strange TV, New Delhi police officer, the head of the school cantine, president of the Czech Republic, all ministers of Chinese government... Email is for me a very useful tool of direct democracy.

At one moment I decided to test my power that I have as a designer and tried to solve the same problems with twenty posters, which reflected the same issues that I tried to solve in emails during last four years. I paid some little money for the space on public poster walls in Ústí nad Labem. The posters are printed on xerox machine, without any use of computer, marked with my signature printed throught rubber stamp. I have created the method for every citizen how to legally express his opinion in physical public space, with as little barriers as possible.

The project was selected for the Brno Biennal 2016.